Quick Order Payment with Essential Rewards Points on Young Living

Previously, we described how Young Living Essential Oils has increased their Essential Rewards Points for wholesale members who have enrolled in the Essential Rewards Program. Anyone with a Young Living account who is able to access the Virtual Office has the ability to place a Quick Order. A wholesale member who has joined the Essential Rewards Program can place an Essential Rewards Order (either on the date selected or early).

The image below shows what happened the last time we placed a Quick Order. Do you see the little blue ribbon next to the “PV” for each item? We can purchase using Essential Rewards Points any product that has a blue ribbon next to it. We’ll explain below more about this.

Quick Order selections made within Young Living's Virtual Office. Look for the blue ribbon to see if this product can be purchased with Essential Reward points.

In the order shown in the image above, we wanted to use up to 244.76 of our Essential Reward Points. These were the products that we wanted to purchase with our points:
– 15-ml Cedarwood Essential Oil;
– 5-ml Helichrysum Essential Oil; and
– 4-pack Ningxia Red.


It Sure Would Be Helpful to Pay for a Quick Order with Essential Rewards Points!

The subtotal of this order was $223.25. Could we could use Essential Reward Points to pay for the products?
It sure would be helpful to be able to pay for this Quick Order with Essential Rewards Points!

In the drop down box, we selected to pay for the Quick Order with Essential Rewards Points and then we checked the box next to each product. By doing so, we sure saved some money!

Paying for Quick Order using Essential Rewards Points provides a great savings!


How Much of a Savings Did We Realize?

Our order weighed 12.44 pounds. We may have been able to save a bit of money on shipping had we ordered these products through our monthly autoship on the Essential Rewards Program.

However, had we done that, we wouldn’t have been able to “buy” $223.25 worth of products for only $14.03, which was the cost for shipping and taxes.


Products that are Eligible versus Ineligible to be Redeemed with Essential Rewards Points

We can purchase most of Young Living’s essential oils and oil-infused products with Essential Rewards Points, but not all of them.

In the image below, showing only a smattering of products, you’ll see that we have found that, in general, products that are

  • half-PV (usually very expensive essential oils and essential oil samples); or
  • contain no essential oil at all (such as sample bottles);

are ineligible to be redeemed with Essential Rewards Points.

Image showing products that are eligible versus ineligible to be redeemed with Essential Rewards Points.

You will need to check on an item-by-item basis to make sure that a product can be purchased that way. Quick Order and the little ribbon icons make it so easy to know for sure.

Are you ready to get started ordering products from Young Living Essential Oils? Order now.