Are you looking for more?
What Are You Looking For?
Perhaps you’re the kind of person who isn’t necessarily looking for more money — although that might not hurt — but you’re looking for a better or a bigger purpose.
If so, you’re not alone.
When we look at the various personality types, the “yellow Golden Retrievers” are definitely among those who are team players and are mission-minded. They want a cause or a purpose that they can really sink their teeth into.
In his book “Building an Empire,” Brian Carruthers wrote the following:
Awareness is key. I hold that many people are programmed by society to believe that having a job is noble, and that working a hard day for someone else is responsible. Most people I know do not feel like the work they do at their job is in alignment with their purpose or their passion in life. They feel unhappy, stressed out, underpaid, under-appreciated, tired, and fatigued. The reason is because as humans we all seek congruence. When the things we are passionate about and want out of life are not connected to the work that we do, we have a sense of brokenness. We are not congruent. So now that you know what your why is, and you know that your job cannot provide it, but your network marketing business can, how will this change your life?
Are You Longing for Congruence?
Some people are working at jobs that they hate, just to earn a paycheck to put food on the table. Years ago, Vicki found out that one of our friends was in that situation. He described how he hated his job.
“Then why do you stay?” she asked.
“Because of the money,” he replied.
How sad! This guy was trapped. Or at least he felt trapped.
He didn’t realize that many people are starting side projects that won’t interfere with their current jobs or obligations — and that those side projects could one day liberate them so that they can have congruence in their lives.
Examples of People Looking for More
Consider the woman who was once in the workforce until children came along. She loves her children and wants to be home with them, but senses that she could do more.
Consider the doctor or nurse who loves helping people achieve wellness, but hates the bureaucracy of institutionalized medicine.
Consider the minimum wage earner who is working two or three jobs just to pay the bills, and realizes that if he/she doesn’t do something soon, he/she will not be able to continue because of exhaustion.
There are probably countless other stories of real people who are looking for more.
If you’re among them, please consider all that Young Living Essential Oils has to offer. We’ve listed 10 reasons to choose the company.