
Vicki Simons is using this “about” page of MrSimons.com to share background information that will help you understand why she is using it to fulfill the legacy that Michael Simons began, including our “accidental” turn to Young Living Essential Oils.

About Michael and Vicki Simons

Mike and Vicki Simons holding Young Living products. Mike is holding a bottle of NingXia Red and Vicki is holding a bottle of Thieves essential oil blend.Michael and Vicki Simons were married in 1991. We have shared money saving tips online since the mid-1990s and Vicki continues to do so through one truckers’ website.

We’ve had a very diverse occupational background, encompassing both white collar and blue collar work.

Michael used his B.A. in Bible, M.A. in Theology, and credits toward a Master of Education degree to teach in Christian schools.

Vicki has a B.S. degree in chemistry. She worked for a number of years in the textile and chemical industries before meeting and marrying Michael.

During our first year of married life, Michael was handed an application for a nationwide trucking company. Through a most adventurous series of events, we both ended up going to and graduating from truck driver training school. We were a husband-and-wife truck driving team for almost three years. Michael has been in and out of the trucking industry several times over the years.

After Vicki finished her work for a statewide educational organization in 2008, she prayed about how to use her “gifts” of researching and writing. In January 2009, we launched Truck-Drivers-Money-Saving-Tips.com to help professional truck drivers — and those looking to enter the trucking industry as truckers — save money. Whenever asked what her job is, she responds that she is an “infopreneur.”

We have sought to use the time, talents and treasures that the Lord has given to us to honor and glorify Him. In early 2010, we formed a limited liability company (LLC) — NKBJ InfoNet, LLC — in our home state of South Carolina and began earning money from our truck driver-oriented site.

In late 2010 and early 2011, Michael made some transitions, including becoming a local truck driver hauling flatbed loads.

In February 2012, Michael was severely injured in an on-the-job trucking accident. The Lord healed Michael completely in significant part due to a sample of an essential oil blend — and more of that product that we purchased — both from Young Living Essential Oils.

Michael’s recovery from that injury led to a significant turn in our business.

Read more about Michael’s accident and recovery — and our paradigm shift.

Michael passed into the presence of our Lord on April 7, 2024, meaning that we had been married 32+ years.

Vicki has been doing the following to develop her skills and to help her Young Living organization:
– publishing 2 email newsletters each month;
– creating and publishing at least one post per month on a website;
– creating and posting videos regarding essential oils 2-3 times per week;
– hosting a team Zoom meeting weekly; and
– contacting team members and prospects via in-person meetings, phone calls, texts, and email.

Care to join Vicki on this exciting journey as she helps people achieve wellness, purpose and abundance?


For full disclosure:

Vicki is not a medical professional. The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Please do not ask her to diagnose, treat, or refer you to certain oils for any diseases. She strongly recommends that you do your own research about essential oils.

If you are on any prescription medication or have a medical condition whatsoever, always consult your health care practitioner first. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure disease. A decision to use/not use this information is your sole responsibility. Views expressed on this website apply only to Young Living Essential Oils.

There is a lot of information about essential oils that Vicki can’t talk about publicly and much that can be found online as well through countless reference materials, both free and paid.

So that you may discover the therapeutic benefits which this essential oil may impart, Vicki strongly encourages you to research

    • ancient and historical resources including the Bible, the Ebers Papyrus and Egyptian papyri;
    • the use of the plants from which essential oils come — or the essential oils themselves — by people in other ages, cultures and countries;
    • PubMed.gov, which is “a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics”, which is maintained by “The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health”; and
    • other resources that provide authoritative information about 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils.