So, how has 2016 been for you?
Please comment through the form below — using “Other” under “General Reason for Contact” — to let us know what parts of 2016 were pleasant and unpleasant for you.
Also, please let us know which of the three parts of life — wellness, purpose or abundance — would best meet your needs. I’ll share more about this below.
Here’s the form…
Some people struggle with their health. We may be able to help you with Young Living’s essential oil wellness. In case you’re skeptical about essential oils, we understand. When I (Vicki) was first offered a sample of one of YL’s essential oil blends — after my husband Mike has suffered a severe on-the-job injury — the person who offered it did not explain what essential oils were or how powerful they are.
Some people struggle with their sense of purpose. It’s like they know there’s got to be more to life — or that life has got to have more meaning or be more satisfying — than they’re currently experiencing right now. Some folks have found that when they help others to achieve wellness, purpose or abundance with Young Living, life has taken a decided turn for the better! There’s nothing quite so satisfying as helping someone find solutions to meet their needs. Perhaps essential oil purpose is right for you?
Some people need more money or abundance. They’re trading time for money and because of inflation, they’re falling farther and farther behind. Saving money is hard for them. We understand. When Mike and I were working as professional truck drivers, not only were we capped by how many hours we could drive every day, but we were also prevented from earning money by things like traffic accidents and bad weather. Are you struggling to make ends meet? Don’t you wish that there was a way to leverage your time for money so that you could leave a lasting legacy? If so, essential oil abundance may be just what you need.
If you’ve read this far and you haven’t yet filled out the form above, please take a few moments to answer the question: So, how has 2016 been for you? We’d enjoy helping you meet your needs.