It’s Real Not Theoretical Any More: Young Living Essential Oils

Mike and Vicki Simons at Young Living's Mona, Utah, farm. This was where Young Living 'became real' for us and not theoretical any more.If you have heard of essential oils but been reluctant to try or use them because you have a preconceived idea about what they are and how they can be used, we understand because at one time we were, too! On this page, we describe how — despite our good success with a number of Young Living’s products — the whole subject of essential oils moved from being mystical and mysterious to being real and not theoretical any more.


Differentiating Claims from the Truth

The USA and most other countries have regulations in place designed to protect consumers. Many of these countries specifically regulate how natural wellness companies like Young Living Essential Oils market themselves. These regulations help make sure that companies are making true, safe claims about their products.

Essential oil companies face legal risk if their distributors make claims about the products that cannot be proven. Young Living has published a document entitled “Sharing Young Living the Right Way” to help distributors know what they can and cannot say when they share products with others.

Because of limitations in place, some of the healthful properties that essential oils have cannot be openly stated by Independent Distributors like us — although they can be stated by medical doctors.

So, we understand why some people are skeptical about essential oils and their usage.


Our Experience

You may have read Mike’s Young Living testimonial about how the Lord healed him in significant part due to one of Young Living’s essential oil blends. After that good success, we bought and used other Young Living products with good success over a period of months.

Still, it was like something was missing. We couldn’t put our finger on it, but it was like we were reading the information on Young Living’s website, watching the videos, seeing the photos and yet it wasn’t real for us. It seemed too good to be true.

After joining Young Living in December 2012, we were strongly encouraged to attend Young Living’s 2013 International Grand Convention. We took the necessary steps to do so. We attended the convention activities, met with and learned from our team members, attended workshops, purchased materials and did other things there.

Mike Simons at Young Living's Mona, Utah, farm.But it was when we visited Young Living’s Mona, Utah, farm and saw for ourselves

  • the lavender fields,
  • the distillation units,
  • one of the pieces of testing equipment, and
  • a bottling and sealing operation,

that everything came together for us.

In other words, the missing ingredient that moved us from skepticism to knowing that Young Living and their claims are real and not theoretical was being able to

  • see with our own eyes,
  • smell with our own noses,
  • hear with our own ears,
  • taste with our own palates and
  • feel with our own hands

the various elements of essential oil production.

It is sort of like someone talking about the Grand Canyon versus actually going there and seeing it for yourself.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, we don’t know how much experiencing something in person is worth.


Young Living’s Farms are Definitely Not Theoretical

Mike Simons at Young Living's Mona, Utah, farm in 2013.When Young Living talks about authentic oils, they’re not kidding. They own numerous farms around the world. Furthermore, they state,

“The secret to our purity and quality is found on the farms where we lovingly cultivate and harvest premium botanicals. It’s our unwavering dedication to authenticity that gives you an essential oil experience unlike any other.”

Learn more about Young Living’s production process on

At left is a photo of Mike kneeling beside a field of lavender plants at the Mona, Utah, Young Living farm. We realize that few of the retail customers and wholesale members in our organization may be able to travel to Utah — or other Young Living farms around the world — but we are witnesses as to how Young Living’s claims about authentic essential oil production are real and not theoretical.

In the future, we hope to travel to other Young Living farms around the world to experience them for ourselves. Perhaps one day, we will be able to plant the plants or trees from which Young Living’s essential oils come, like these distributors did.


Request a Free Sample

Are you new to essential oils?

Would you like to have a sample for free for just our cost to send it to you?

Young Living Essential Oils' Samples. Offer of free sample for our cost to send it to you.As shown here, the samples that are available in packet form are (from left to right)

  • Thieves essential oil blend
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Purification essential oil blend and
  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend.

Request a free sample today.