What is an Essential Oil? Are All Essential Oils Alike?

Young Living's Everyday Essential Oils Collection helps answer the question what is an essential oil and are all essential oils alike.More and more people are hearing about essential oils these days. But what is an essential oil?

Plants contain complex and powerful substances known as essential oils. These are aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. These distinctive components defend plants from insects, harsh environmental conditions, and disease. Referred to as the essence of the plant, pure essential oils not only protect the plant, but also determine its aroma.

Essential oils have been used throughout time dating back to 4500 BC. From perfumes and aromatherapy to cooking and medicinal purposes, essential oils have been used in everyday life for centuries. In modern days, research shows that pure essential oils can provide similar benefits to humans and animals that they give to plants.

There are three basic ways for anyone to use essential oils: inhalation, topical application, and internal consumption.


Young Living’s Lindsey Elmore Answers the Question: Are All Essential Oil Alike?


The Young Living Standard

Young Living Essential Oils has grown to become the world leader in essential oils and wellness solutions. They offer more than 300 essential oil singles and blends.

Young Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) means that every essential oil Young Living distills or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to maximize the desired effect. Young Living is able to make this assertion because of our strict cultivation process–illustrated by the Four Ps–that guarantees the optimal potency of every Young Living essential oil:

  • Plants,
  • Preparation,
  • Purity and
  • Potency.

Young Living offers pure, unadulterated essential oils, essential oil blends, and oil-enhanced products.


Do You Want a Sample?

Those who have never used an essential oil or who have gotten started using a different brand may be surprised about the power of Young Living’s products. Feel free to request a sample for just our cost to mail it to you.