During the September 2019 promotion from Young Living Essential Oils, get the following items for free with your qualifying order: MultiGreens, Inner Defense, and these essential oils: Raven, KidScents SniffleEase, and Ginger Vitality.

In life, the best defense is a good offense. Whether your goal is to take charge of your health or build your business, September’s PV promo has what you need to thrive personally and professionally. Kick off each morning with a daily dose of vitality from MultiGreens™ capsules; then prepare your mind to tackle the day’s challenges with the cool, invigorating aroma of Raven® essential oil blend. To go the extra mile, you’ll also need Inner Defense® in your corner for immunity support.* With this month’s PV promo, you can make every day a home run!
September 2019 Promotion From Young Living Video
Freebies Based on Amount of Products Ordered During September 2019 Promotion (U.S. Only)
(If you cannot see all PV amounts on your mobile device in portrait mode, please turn your device to landscape mode so that the entire listing is viewable.)
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Item Details for the September 2019 Promotion from Young Living (U.S. Only)
MultiGreens, 120 capsules
- Cover your bases. Support your glandular, nervous, and circulatory systems with three capsules twice daily of MultiGreens.*
- Fuel your hustle. Care for your body with this nutritious chlorophyll blend packed with pure essential oils and super greens.*
Raven, 5 ml
- Get your second wind. Inhale Raven to make deep breathing feel easier, whether you’re getting pumped up for your morning workout, calming a fussy child, or clearing life’s daily hurdles.
- Ace your bedtime routine! Before you pull up the covers for the night, rub this cool, calming blend of Ravintsara, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Lemon essential oils on your feet.
Inner Defense, 30 softgels
- Prevent unnecessary time-outs. Slam dunk your way to a healthy immune system with a softgel a day of Inner Defense.*
- Recruit immune system defenders. With Inner Defense on your team, you’ll have the power of Thieves, Oregano, and Thyme on your side.*
KidScents® SniffleEase™, 5 ml
- Bench the blocked-nose blues. When your children have stuffy noses, have them breathe in SniffleEase for a refreshing and stimulating scent.
- Don’t sweat the sniffles. Add a few drops of SniffleEase to a warm compress and place it on your child’s chest while your little one gets some R & R.
Ginger Vitality™, 5 ml
- Try this game-changer! Spice up your cooking game with a drop or two of Ginger Vitality added to your favorite stir-fry, salad dressing, and marinade recipes.
- Tea up! Add a splash of Ginger Vitality to your tea to tackle healthy digestive system support.
Quick Order (One-Time Only) promotions are also available this month.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
For even more ideas on how to use the essential oils, see Young Living’s blog.
Details are available through September 2019 here.
To take advantage of this promotional offer from Young Living, order now.
This is one of the many promotions that Young Living provides.