For the ultimate romantic Valentine’s Day dinner or anniversary dinner, diffuse Young Living’s Seed to Seal premium grade Rose essential oil in the air. When you diffuse Rose essential oil, you can concentrate the scent of fresh roses without having to buy as many as it would take to scent the air the same way. Buy one rose for your sweetheart and leave the scenting of the air to the essential oil.
Did you know that you can inspire a positive emotional state by diffusing essential oils?
According to Young Living, “Each essential oil’s complex, pleasant, and unique scent activates the limbic system — the brain’s center of emotion and memory — differently. Essential oils can be your key to a more fulfilling and balanced emotional life.”
Furthermore, “The pure constituents in [Young Living’s essential oils] stimulate olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain’s limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind.”
Here are some other options to create romance on your special day:
– Add a few drops of essential oil to your drinking water in a glass glass;
– Use a little essential oil in your home-baked products served with dinner;
– Massage Rose Ointment on your sweetheart’s hands or feet;
– Provide a body massage using essential oils — undiluted or diluted with a carrier or oil massage oil — in a private place;
– Gift wrap lower cost essential oils like those in the Vitality line;
– Create one or more sachets scented essential oils of your choice;
– Create a foot soak with the essential oil of your choice and after drying, massage the feet;
– Dip strawberries in chocolate and feed each other the fruit;
– Take a selfie photo enjoying your time together as a great way to create a memory.
Enjoy your time together!
Need Young Living products? Especially Rose essential oil? Order yours now.