Stress can be at an all-time high during the holidays, but it doesn’t have to be that way! This season, we’ve got goodies to help you enjoy
moments of reflecting, finding abundance, and expressing gratitude.
Place your qualifying order and get a one-of-a-kind Young Living glass diffuser ornament, along with Sacred Frankincense™ and Myrrh to
promote feelings of tranquility and spiritual enlightenment. You’ll also get Christmas Spirit™ to diffuse in the kitchen while baking with your free Nutmeg Vitality™, a seasonal favorite.
During November, we have a special gift available only through this promotion—a new blend called Higher Unity™.* When diffused, the
aroma of Higher Unity creates an environment of clarity and thoughtfulness—ideal during this time of love and gratitude.
Note: Only those participating in the Essential Rewards program quality to receive Essential Rewards exclusive products.
Freebies Based on Amount of Products Ordered During November 2018 Promotion (U.S. Only)
(If you cannot see all PV amounts on your mobile device in portrait mode, please turn your device to landscape mode so that the entire listing is viewable.)
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Item Details for the November 2018 Promotion from Young Living (U.S. Only)
- 5-ml Higher Unity*: During this holiday season, invite an aroma that promotes self-care and creates a sense of unity with others.
- 5-ml Sacred Frankincense: At this time of personal reflection and gratitude, deepen your spiritual enlightenment with Sacred Frankincense during prayer, meditation, or relaxation.
- Glass Diffuser Ornament: Bring out this one-of-a-kind YL glass diffuser ornament and add it to your holiday traditions.
- 5-ml Myrrh: Diffuse Myrrh to give the aromatic gift of spiritual awareness and reflection to those around you.
- 15-ml Christmas Spirit: Diffuse Christmas Spirit while decorating the tree or baking treats with loved ones.
- Bonus Essential Rewards 5-ml Northern Lights Black Spruce: From our Northern Lights Farm in Canada, take a break from the holiday rush and take in the grounding fragrance of Northern Lights Black spruce essential oil directly from the bottle.
- Bonus Essential Rewards 5-ml Nutmeg Vitality: ’Tis the season of sweet treats and flavorful bakes; add Nutmeg Vitality to your kitchen adventures and wow loved ones with this classic holiday spice.
For even more ideas on how to use the essential oils, see Young Living’s blog.
Details are available through November 2018 here.
To take advantage of this promotional offer from Young Living, order now.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This is one of the many promotions that Young Living provides.