May is the perfect month to reflect on the changes women make around the world, whether it’s in the home, office, or community. That’s why May’s PV promotion has seven products that are perfect for sharing with the women in your life.
During May 2017, both retail customers and wholesale members may take advantage of the following promotion from Young Living Essential Oils. Simply order a certain amount of products. This month, you can get the following for free when you place a minimum of 100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV, 300 PV or 340 PV in products.
Note: Only those participating in the Essential Rewards program quality to receive Essential Rewards exclusive products.
Celebrate the Women in Your Life with May’s PV promotion!
Freebies Based on Amount of Products Ordered
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Item Details for the May 2017 Promotion from Young Living
- 5-ml Valor®: With Black Spruce, Geranium, and Camphor Wood, Valor has an empowering aroma that is perfect for strong women everywhere.
- AgilEase™: Busy women are always on the go. Support active lifestyles and healthy joints with AgilEase!*
- 5-ml Manuka: Manuka’s beautifying properties are great for women looking for natural beauty solutions and healthy-looking skin.
- 5-ml Ravintsara: Know a yoga-loving lady? Ravintsara’s clean scent helps create a clear headspace during mediation and spiritual practice.
- 5-ml Jade Lemon™: Jade Lemon’s sweet, uplifting, and lemon-lime scent makes a distinctive perfume — unique, just like the women in your life.
- Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 15-ml Citronella: Share Citronella’s fresh, bright aroma with your free-spirited friend who always maintains a positive outlook.
- Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Orange Vitality™: Use Orange Vitality to share an orange-infused treat with your best gal pals!
For even more ideas on how to use the essential oils, see Young Living’s blog post.
Details are available through May 2017, 2017 here.
To take advantage of this promotional offer from Young Living, order now.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This is one of the many promotions that Young Living provides.