During the July 2020 promotion from Young Living Essential Oils, get the following items for free with your qualifying order: Valor, Egyptian Gold, KidScents GeneYus, Common Sense and Envision essential oils.

Explore Our Back-To-School Staples!
Back-to-school season will be here before you know it!
Start prepping your home in advance with essentials from July’s PV promo.
Whether you’re the parent, student, or teacher, these essential oil blends will help you get ready for the busy months ahead.
Begin your day with boldness by applying a combination of Valor® and V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex to your neck.
While you prep your morning to-do list, diffuse Envision™ to encourage a can-do attitude.
Once the afternoon rolls around, overcome the midday slump with a meditation session boosted by the balancing scent of Egyptian Gold™.
Then create a focused atmosphere and inspire feelings of productivity with the aroma of the perfect study buddy duo—Common Sense™ and KidScents® GeneYus™.
Video: July 2020 Promotion from Young Living Essential Oils
VALOR essential oil blend, 15 ml
- Embrace new challenges. Combine Valor® with V-6™ and rub onto your neck when you need a confidence boost.
- Make mornings awesome. Jump-start a busy day with Valor’s calming, uplifting aroma.
EGYPTIAN GOLD essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Take a break. Working on the same task for too long can kill productivity. Recharge with a meditation session boosted by the balancing scent of Egyptian Gold™.
- Refresh both body and brain. A power nap can benefit the whole family! Set a relaxing atmosphere for sleep with a diffuser blend of Egyptian Gold and Lavender.
KIDSCENTS GENEYUS essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Start study time strong. Apply KidScents® GeneYus™ to your little one’s wrist before they hit the books. You may even want to try this tip yourself for some aromatic inspiration!
- Make work fast and fun. Diffuse KidScents GeneYus during homework hour or task time to inspire feelings of positivity and productivity.
COMMON SENSE essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Deal with distractions. Diffuse Common Sense™ to help create an environment of focus when you need it most.
- Keep calm with a roll-on. Make your own with an AromaGlide® roller fitment, 2 tablespoons of carrier oil, and 10–15 drops of Common Sense.
ENVISION essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Prep your game plan. While you write down your to-dos, diffuse Envision™ for an empowering aroma that encourages you to seize the day.
- Move past the midday slump. When you or your hardworking scholar starts to run out of steam, try a quick sniff of Envision to spark feelings of creativity and resourcefulness.
Freebies Based on Amount of Products Ordered During July 2020 Promotion (U.S. Only)
(If you cannot see all PV amounts on your mobile device in portrait mode, please turn your device to landscape mode so that the entire listing is viewable.)
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Item Details for the July 2020 Promotion from Young Living (U.S. Only)
One-Time Order information is also available.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
For even more ideas on how to use the essential oils, see Young Living’s blog.
Details are available through July 2020 here and here.
To take advantage of this promotional offer from Young Living, sign up as a either a Wholesale Member or Retail Customer.
This is one of the many promotions that Young Living provides.