Have You Discovered Essential Oils Yet?

Young woman looking through a microscope, doing essential oils research. Have you discovered essential oils yet?Today in the USA, we are celebrating Columbus Day, the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492. In 2017, this is the 525th anniversary of that discovery. So, given that discovery, I (Vicki) feel compelled to ask, “Have you discovered essential oils yet?


How We Discovered Essential Oils

We discovered the power of premium grade essential oils on March 4, 2012.

What happened?

Mike had been badly injured in an on-the-job trucking accident over a week earlier. I had previously refused our friend’s offer of a sample because
– I had an erroneous and preconceived view of essential oils; and
– our friend didn’t explain what essential oils were or what they could do.

The next time our friend offered a sample, Mike was with me and we accepted it. Still, I was skeptical.

But when I diluted and applied a few drops of an essential oil blend to Mike’s body according to our friend’s instructions — and found that it provided support — I was pleasantly surprised! It helped him!


When Ancient Cultures Discovered Essential Oils

Did you know that essential oils have been used for thousands of years?

Essential oils were first mentioned by name in the biblical book of Genesis, chapter 37, when Joseph was sold to the slave traders, who carried spices, balm and myrrh. According to Dr. David Stewart, the author of “An Introduction to Healing Oils of the Bible”, the Bible contains 33 species and more than 500 references to essential oils and the aromatic plants from which they come.

Some of the oldest cultures on earth used essential oils:
– The Babylonians placed orders for cedarwood, myrrh, and cypress.
– The Egyptians used essential oils for beauty and embalming — and they have the oldest recorded deodorant recipe made with essential oils.
– Pakistan and Rome used essential oils in the communal bath houses.

Essential oils were even used by Christ! The gifts given to Jesus were Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, the latter two being resins from which those essential oils come. Frankincense is sometimes referred to as “the coconut oil of essential oils” because it has over 10,000 uses.

Essential oils were used by the Medieval Europeans, many of whom brought back oils during the Crusades.

It was only after World War II when essential oils were “rediscovered” — and the science of their uses grows every single year.


What Are Essential Oils, What Do They Do, and How Are They Used?

Essential oils are the aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, seeds, resins and rinds. The purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come.

In humans, essential oils provide support for every system in the body, including cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary.

There are three main ways to get essential oils into your system:
– the English apply them topically, which means they rub them on the skin;
– the French ingest and cook with them; and
– the Germans diffuse and inhale them, which can be the most effective method because they don’t have to pass through the digestive system.

Young Living utilizes all three methods of essential oil use. Each essential oil (single and blend) has its own method of use, so the user needs to read the label.

There are thousands of uses for various essential oils, and Young Living covers a lot of them through articles on their blog.


Discovering Cleaning With Essential Oils

Earlier this week, I read a glowing recommendation from a friend regarding her use of Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner. This product is made only of plants and includes Thieves essential oil blend (which is used to support one’s immune system). After I started using Thieves Household Cleaner in our home, I determined that Mike and I would never go back to using toxic cleaning chemicals again!

Every person has his or her personal discovery or journey regarding essential oils. That discovery usually falls into one or more of these categories:
– hasn’t tried them yet;
– used (or uses) an inferior brand (including those diluted by up to 95% even though they’ve been labeled as pure);
– used (or uses) Young Living’s Seed to Seal premium grade essential oils; and/or
– shares essential oils with others.

Most people who have discovered the Young Living difference will never go back.

Are you ready to discover this difference for yourself?

If so, and if you live in the Aiken, SC, area, please contact us for a free sample.