Don’t Poison Your Air Space!

Are the scents from the 'air freshener' you're using full of synthetics that are poisoning your air space?
Are the scents from the ‘air freshener’ you’re using full of synthetics that are poisoning your air space?

January 26, 2016. Toxic-Free Tuesday: Did you know that scents in some (perhaps most) commercially produced “air fresheners” are synthetically generated? When you spray a synthetic fragrance into the air, you aren’t “freshening” it, you’re poisoning your air space.

When you look on a can of commercially produced “air freshener” at the store, you may simply see that the manufacturer has listed “fragrance” on the label. In many cases, the proprietary scents are synthetic. But the human body knows the difference between synthetic and natural scents.

Some folks, like me (Vicki) are very sensitive to toxic chemicals — including the artificial

Instead, consider making homemade air fresheners with Seed to Seal premium grade essential oils. A few drops goes a long way! Our favorite essential oil blend for “poo spray” is Young Living’s “Joy”.

Order yours now.