The April 2023 Blog Posts from Young Living Essential Oils are listed below.

The April 2023 Blog Posts from Young Living Essential Oils are as follows:
2023.04.20: 10 Ways to Reuse Young Living Packaging
Because there was only one blog post in April 2023, we thought it might be nice to see the two blog posts from April 2022:
2022.04.04: Supplement starter guide: Choosing your vitamins and creating a routine
2022.04.08: Healthy indulgence: Citrus rosemary olive oil cake
2022.04.13: BLOOM essential oil blend: Renew, refresh, and BLOOM
2022.04.20: The Best Essential Oil Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
2022.04.29: Why Self-Care Is Important: Plus a 30-day Self-Care Calendar Guide
Categories of Blog Posts Besides April 2023 Blog Posts
To demonstrate the wealth of information on their website, you may wish to see these categories of Young Living Essential Oils’ blog posts:
Naturally, their Essential Oils category focuses on their single and blended essential oils, including Vitality (dietary) essential oils and roll-ons.
DIY subcategories include: Diffuser Blends, Cleaning, Skin and Hair, and Crafty.
Wellness subcategories include: Healthy and Fit, Mind and Spirit, Parenting.
At Home subcategories include: Babies and Kids, Pets, Seasonal, Vitality Recipes.
Beauty subcategories include: Savvy Minerals, DIYs, Skin.
Media subcategories include: Infographics, Printables, Quizzes, Videos.
Email Newsletter
In order to provide great value to those who are part of Mike and Vicki Simons’ organization within Young Living Essential Oils, Vicki writes and publishes her “Terpenator Team Update” email newsletter, which is chock full of information of use to:
- both those who are solely focused on using products;
- and those who want to build their Young Living businesses.
Need more information about our email newsletter?
Please contact us.
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To summarize, if you do not yet have an account with Young Living;
and if no one else has referred you to Young Living;
and if you would like to take advantage of all that Young Living Essential Oils has to offer,
please contact us so that we can provide personalized help.