10 Reasons to Choose Young Living Essential Oils

There are at least 10 reasons to choose Young Living Essential Oils.

First, essential oils have been used for thousands of years.

Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted.

10 Reasons to Choose Young Living Essential Oils

10 reasons to choose Young Living Essential Oils1. Young Living owns their own farms and works closely with co-op farms to ensure strict sustainable management standards.
2. Anyone can visit the farms and participate in the harvest and distillation process.
3. The 5-step Seed to Seal® process and quality commitment ensure the purest oils available.
4. Young Living oils are first distillation oils only.
5. Each batch of essential oils is rigorously tested in-house and by a third party.
6. Pest and weed control are managed without toxic chemicals.
7. Young Living has 21+ years of research and experience.
8. Young Living has the largest selection of single and blended essential oils.
9. Each Young Living nutritional supplement incorporates essential oils, which radically increase nutrient absorption.
10. The support and education within the community make joining Young Living an amazing, life-changing experience.

Only Young Living!

Name any other essential oil company in the world that tells you where the plants are grown from which they produce their essential oils. Only Young Living.

Name any other essential oil company in the world where you can actually visit the farms and take part in the production. Only Young Living.

No other essential oil company in the world has a quality commitment even close to Young Living’s!

Only first distillation essential oils that are obtained under the right conditions can truly be called premium grade.

Lots of companies claim to have 100% pure essential oils, but how many have — and can back up the fact that theirs are — Seed to Seal premium grade?

You and your family deserve the best. We have chosen Young Living for ourselves.